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From Constraint to Abundance: Charting an Innovation Agenda for the Energy Transition.

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A roadmap for innovators and investors on the critical areas of opportunity in the clean energy economy.

The energy transition is not only an ecological imperative: it is the largest economic opportunity since the Industrial Revolution, covering more than half of global GDP. Now, spurred by an accelerating pace of technological innovation, a growing global consensus around the need to decarbonize, and the emergence of large markets spurred by industrial policies, we are entering a new phase where clean energy supply rather than demand presents the dominant constraint. But the present is not static. Here, we outline the waves of the energy transition: (1) today's supply-constrained reality, where clean technology demand must reckon with physical infrastructure that is slow to scale; (2) the scaling of critical high-capacity, energy-dense resources, their supply chains, and the infrastructure they require; and (3) access to abundant energy that fundamentally shifts the geography of industrial production and possibility across the globe. In each, we characterize the technologies and mechanisms needed to further accelerate the transition with the goal of mobilizing research, entrepreneurship, and capital toward critical, highly leveraged opportunities that accelerate our progress.

From Scarcity to Abundance

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